N493MC - 747-400 (international, winglets) (B744)
Most Common Routes
The statistic below shows the most common routes of aircraft with registration N493MC.
| Departure Airport | Arrival Airport | # of times | | 1 | N/A, N/A (NA) | N/A, N/A (NA) | 4 | Route Profile |
2 | Norfolk, United States (KNGU) | Hahn, Germany (EDFH) | 3 | Route Profile |
3 | Colorado Springs, United States (KCOS) | Baltimore, United States (KBWI) | 3 | Route Profile |
4 | Kuwait, Kuwait (OKBK) | Hahn, Germany (EDFH) | 2 | Route Profile |
5 | Baltimore, United States (KBWI) | Indianapolis, United States (KIND) | 2 | Route Profile |
6 | Chicago, United States (KORD) | Hahn, Germany (EDFH) | 1 | Route Profile |
7 | Charleston, United States (KCHS) | Hahn, Germany (EDFH) | 1 | Route Profile |
8 | Miami, United States (KMIA) | Campinas, Brazil (SBKP) | 1 | Route Profile |
9 | , China (ZSPD) | Baku, Azerbaijan (UBBB) | 1 | Route Profile |
10 | Miami, United States (KMIA) | Cincinnati, United States (KCVG) | 1 | Route Profile |
11 | Hong Kong, Hong Kong (VHHH) | Anchorage, United States (PANC) | 1 | Route Profile |
12 | Los Angeles, United States (KLAX) | Cincinnati, United States (KCVG) | 1 | Route Profile |
13 | , United States (KPSM) | Anchorage, United States (PAED) | 1 | Route Profile |
14 | Hahn, Germany (EDFH) | Kandahar, Afghanistan (OAKN) | 1 | Route Profile |
15 | Chicago, United States (KORD) | Miami, United States (KMIA) | 1 | Route Profile |
16 | Anchorage, United States (PANC) | Kadena, Japan (RODN) | 1 | Route Profile |
17 | Las Vegas, United States (KLSV) | Hahn, Germany (EDFH) | 1 | Route Profile |
18 | Hampton, United States (KLFI) | Hahn, Germany (EDFH) | 1 | Route Profile |
19 | Hahn, Germany (EDFH) | Baltimore, United States (KBWI) | 1 | Route Profile |