B-LJM - 747-8/747-8 BBJ/BBJ (747-8) (B748)
Most Common Arrival Airports
The statistic below shows all arrival airports of flights with aircraft registration B-LJM.
| Airport | Country | # of times | 1 | Hong Kong, Hong Kong (VHHH) | Hong Kong | 34 |
2 | Anchorage, United States (PANC) | United States | 7 |
3 | Los Angeles, United States (KLAX) | United States | 3 |
4 | Atlanta, United States (KATL) | United States | 3 |
5 | Columbus, United States (KLCK) | United States | 2 |
6 | , Japan (RJBB) | Japan | 2 |
7 | Chicago, United States (KORD) | United States | 2 |
8 | Houston, United States (KIAH) | United States | 1 |
9 | New York, United States (KJFK) | United States | 1 |
10 | Dallas-fort Worth, United States (KDFW) | United States | 1 |
11 | Taipei, Taiwan (RCTP) | Taiwan | 1 |
12 | Tokyo, Japan (RJAA) | Japan | 1 |
13 | Miami, United States (KMIA) | United States | 1 |