Prestwick, Glasgow Prestwick Airport (EGPK)
NameGlasgow Prestwick Airport
CountryUnited Kingdom
Altitude20 m
CoordinatesGoogle Map
Live Air
METAREGPK 262250Z 13011KT 9999 FEW015 BKN026 05/03 Q0972
2025-01-26 22:50:00 Wind: East-Southeast (130°) 5.66 m/s - Visibility: > 10000 m - Temperature: 5 °C - Dew point: 3 °C - Humidity: 87.1% - Pressure: 0972 hPa
2025-01-26 22:50:00 Wind: East-Southeast (130°) 5.66 m/s - Visibility: > 10000 m - Temperature: 5 °C - Dew point: 3 °C - Humidity: 87.1% - Pressure: 0972 hPa
The table below shows the detailed information of all flights to/from Prestwick, Glasgow Prestwick Airport (EGPK).