747-400 (international, winglets) (B744)
Name747-400 (international, winglets)
Most Common Arrival Airports by Country
The statistic below shows all arrival airports by Country of origin of flights from 747-400 (international, winglets) (B744).
Country | # of times | |
1 | United States | 560 |
2 | Japan | 219 |
3 | Taiwan | 189 |
4 | Hong Kong | 173 |
5 | Germany | 165 |
6 | China | 55 |
7 | Australia | 31 |
8 | Afghanistan | 26 |
9 | Belgium | 20 |
10 | Korea, Republic of | 15 |
11 | Brazil | 11 |
12 | United Kingdom | 6 |
13 | Israel | 6 |
14 | Azerbaijan | 5 |
15 | Latvia | 5 |
16 | Luxembourg | 3 |
17 | Panama | 2 |
18 | United Arab Emirates | 2 |
19 | Netherlands | 2 |
20 | Peru | 2 |
21 | India | 1 |
22 | Spain | 1 |
23 | Guam | 1 |
24 | Colombia | 1 |