Cherry Point, Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point (KNKT)
NameMarine Corps Air Station Cherry Point
CityCherry Point
CountryUnited States
Altitude0 m
CoordinatesGoogle Map
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METARKNKT 010747Z 26020G29KT 7SM -RA SCT010 BKN024 OVC037 16/14 A2978 RMK AO2 PK WND 24045/0732 PRESRR P0007 T01610144
2025-02-01 07:47:00 Wind: West-Southwest (260°) 10.29 m/s - Visibility: 11265.38 m - Weather: Light Rain - Temperature: 16 °C - Dew point: 14 °C - Humidity: 88% - Pressure: 1008.47 hPa
2025-02-01 07:47:00 Wind: West-Southwest (260°) 10.29 m/s - Visibility: 11265.38 m - Weather: Light Rain - Temperature: 16 °C - Dew point: 14 °C - Humidity: 88% - Pressure: 1008.47 hPa
The table below shows the detailed information of all flights to/from Cherry Point, Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point (KNKT).